Best ways to use the 5 love languages to enhance self-love

Best ways to use the 5 love languages to enhance self-love



A great way to practice self-love is to learn about and understand the five love languages. These are: Words of Affirmation, Quality Time, Receiving Gifts, Acts of Service, and Physical Touch. Whether you’re in a relationship or not there’s no doubt that loving yourself is crucial to living a happy life. Once you know how to fill yourself with love and joy life will start to get much more vibrant. In this post, we will cover what love languages are and how to utilize them to cultivate more self-love.

What are love languages?

Love languages are the way in which people give, receive, and feel love in relationships. The idea comes from the book The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman where he describes how each person has different love languages. It’s important to understand your top love languages to better show up in your relationships with others and yourself. Everyone expresses love in different ways so getting a better understanding of this can help you understand yourself and your needs. We will go more in-depth into all 5 love languages below.

You might be wondering how to figure out what your love language is. There’s an amazing quiz developed by Mr. Chapman that can tell you how each language ranks for you. You can take the quiz here 5 love languages to see what your top love language is! Once you take the quiz you can come back here for some excellent ideas on how to start incorporating love languages for enhanced self-love.

Importance of the love languages

There are many benefits to becoming familiar with love languages. If you want to deepen your relationship with yourself these might be the answer you were looking for. Knowing yours can help you recognize and meet your own needs, rather than waiting for them to be met by others. They can even help you be more patient with yourself and others. This is because you’ll be more compassionate and empathetic. You’ll be more understanding and be easier on yourself. These small acts can start to create a really positive environment around you.

Personally, my top love language is quality time and I’m always doing things to fulfill that need. I make sure to get plenty of alone time and make sure I’m energized by the activities I choose to do. My favorite thing to do to create more self-love with quality time is going for long walks in nature trails. My walks are great for added exercise but in addition to that I get space to clear my mind and be more intentional with my thoughts. Getting into nature is a really powerful way to feel more connected and energized. Another activity I love is my journaling routine. Journaling is also a wonderful way to get all of my thoughts onto paper. Organizing my thoughts allows me the space to take accountability and fill my mind with more positive thoughts. Overall, knowing the best ways to show up for yourself is infusing your daily life with love languages.

Physical Touch

Physical Touch involves gentle and loving contact with yourself. It’s typically a non-sexual touch that helps to reinforce contact with your body. This could be something like giving yourself a hug, or simply putting on some super comfy clothes. Some great ideas to try include:


Words of Affirmation

Words of Affirmation are kind and positive words or phrases that build up a person’s self-esteem. This is a verbal or written way to express appreciation and love. This could be something as simple as writing a few nice things about yourself on a post-it note and sticking it on your mirror or telling yourself how good you look in the mirror. Some great ideas to try include:


Acts of Service

Acts of Service involve taking actions to make yourself feel loved. It can be any action that you do for yourself that makes life easier and helps eliminate a burden or responsibility. This could be something like setting a challenge for yourself, like learning a new skill, or taking care of something that needs to be done. Some great ideas to try include:


Quality Time

Quality Time is all about spending undivided attention on yourself. This time must be focused and intentional. This could be taking time out for a self-care activity like a bubble bath, or going for a walk in nature. Some great ideas to try include:


Receiving Gifts

Receiving Gifts can be something tangible, like buying yourself a present, or something intangible, like giving yourself permission to enjoy a break or a night out with friends. It can be giving yourself anything that shows intention and thoughtfulness. Some great ideas to try include:


Start loving yourself with Intention

Want to start incorporating the love languages right away? One of the best ways to integrate multiple love languages at one time is to sign up for a Master Peace Box! It’s a subscription for a monthly art supply box along with virtual workshops. They have created an incredible experience that creates peace by infusing mindfulness and art.

This super cool art subscription would be a great way to combine gift-receiving, quality time, and acts of service all in one! You get to explore all different artistic mediums right at home. You’ll learn many new techniques and reduce stress with mindfulness workshops. Some examples of the experiences they’ve had are vision boarding, watercolor and sound healing, origami, meditative candle making, acrylic painting, and so much more. Start your self-love journey today by signing up for a month of art. The monthly boxes ship out on the 15th of every month with art supplies and you will have access to the zoom link for the workshop associated with it.

By understanding and practicing these five love languages for yourself, you can begin to experience more enhanced self-love. By deepening your relationship with yourself it will allow you to have more meaningful relationships with others too. You’ll start to feel happier and more fulfilled by integrating some of these fun ideas. You can start with your top love language and pick a few habits to show yourself some more love. You may even want to start using all five and fuel yourself in all possible aspects.


If you’re ready to start focusing on yourself but aren’t sure where to start then sign up below for a FREE download of mindfulness journal prompts. Journaling is a wonderful way to combine multiple love languages and get to know yourself better. The journey to self-love is not always easy but it’s always worth it. Every step and every act builds a stronger foundation for more loving experiences to follow. Don’t let any setbacks hold you down, you deserve love and you can start right now.

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