Best Ways to Balance your 7 Chakras for Success
Best Ways to Balance your 7 Chakras for Success
It’s time to restore balance to your body and start feeling aligned with your highest self. Life is filled with stressors that can easily throw us off and create tension in our bodies. As a result, it’s easy to become unaligned with your purpose and feel like you’re not progressing toward your goals.
Utilizing your chakras is a powerful way to restore your mind, body, and soul. The chakras are the foundation for creating a positive and uplifting life. They can help you make progress and succeed in your spiritual journey. This post discusses the seven chakras and how to use the energy centers to heal the mind, body, and soul.
Some days you might feel off or burnt out with no more energy. On other days you might feel full of life and eager to take on the day. It may feel like your life is out of balance, and you seek calmness and harmony. Our bodies constantly give us signs when things aren’t how they should be. It’s time to start listening to the body’s subtle cues.
Learning about the chakras is a great way to step into your power. It can help you understand how the body informs you if you’re aligned, or if something needs attention. Personally, learning about them was an enlightening experience. Now when something feels off, I can figure out what might be happening and hopefully restore my equilibrium. I focus on performing specific tasks or meditating to get my energy flowing. Let’s look deeper into what it means to restore balance in your body to get your energy working for you.
What are Chakras?
You may not be aware of it, but your very being is composed of an abundance of vibrant energy. This energy is in constant motion, circulating within you every single day. It plays a vital role in shaping who you are and how you function. Within your body, specific regions are infused with this life force, tirelessly working to maintain the harmony and functionality of your being. These energy centers, known as chakras, derive their name from the ancient Sanskrit term meaning "wheel."
Chakras, in essence, are the natural energy centers or energetic wheels that reside within your body. They serve as the powerhouses that sustain your existence. Within you, there exist seven primary energy centers that govern various aspects of your being. Chakras are the body’s natural energy centers or energy wheels. Your body has seven main energy centers that start at the base of your spine and go up to the top of your head. By understanding your energy, you can heal in ways you never imagined. Energy has the power to change many aspects of you and your life. Learning how to harness this energy will give you the ability to take control of your overall well-being.
Benefits of Open & Balanced Chakras
What do balanced charkas look like?
Having balanced chakras means they’re healthy, open, and spinning as they should. Healthy chakras will take energy in and send energy out evenly. The goal is to have your chakras open and balanced most of the time. However, they will not always be perfectly balanced. They’re constantly changing and being influenced by you and the things around you. It’s all about how you take care of yourself and your energy.
How to Balance and Open Chakras
Each Chakra has its own specific set of techniques for opening and balancing, so I made a list of the best ways to heal and maintain healthy chakras. Please read below to understand each Chakra and the different ways to balance them.
The benefits of balancing your chakras are endless, as it keeps everything flowing and moving. All seven have their unique benefits to being open. Each has a different purpose and a list of benefits for balancing energy.
Imbalanced Chakras

Balanced Chakras

Sanskrit Name: Muladhara
1st Chakra
Purpose/Meaning: Basic Needs, Survival, Safety, Being Grounded, Security
Color: Red
Location: Base of the spine
Element: Earth
Ways to Balance:
Eating Red Foods: Apples, Strawberries, Pomegranate, Protein(meats, beans, nuts), Raspberries, Root Vegetables
Crystals: Black Obsidian, Black Onyx, Carnelian, Fire Agate, Garnet, Hematite, Red Goldstone, Rhodonite, Smoky Quartz, Ruby
Affirmations: I AM
I am rooted in the present moment, and I am safe here
Sound/Mantra: “Lang” or “Lam”
Mudra (hand pose): Place thumb and index finger together, place hands on knees while in lotus position
Yoga: Hatha Yoga, Mountain Pose, Warrior 1 & 2 Pose
Journal Prompt: How can I help myself remain grounded when life is stressful and chaotic?
Connect to Earth: Stand in nature(preferably barefoot), go for a walk, garden
Get a Massage
Wear Red Clothes & Accessories
Sacral Chakra
Sanskrit Name: Svadhisthana
2nd Chakra
Purpose/Meaning: Creativity, Feelings, Self-Respect, Sexuality, Emotions, Movement, Maintaining Energy
Color: Orange
Location: Lower Abdomen/Below Bellybutton
Element: Water
Ways to Balance:
Eating Orange Foods: Oranges, Cantaloupe, Strawberries, Mango, Peaches, Papaya, Carrots, Pumpkin, Peppers, Honey, Cinnamon
Crystals: Amber, Calcite, Carnelian, Sunstone, Goldstone, Peach Moonstone, Tangerine Quartz, Tiger’s Eye
Affirmations: I FEEL
I feel my emotions and let them flow freely
Sound/Mantra: “Vang” or “Vam”
Mudra (hand pose): Place right hand over left hand with palms facing upwards
Yoga: Tantra Yoga, Sun Salutation, Cobra Pose
Journal Prompt: How do I express my creativity? And how can I create more space for creativity in my life?
Work with Water: Walk near a lake/pond/ocean, take a bath or shower, go for a swim, drink water
Get Creative: Paint, Draw, Dance, Cook, Listen to or play music
Hug Someone
Wear Orange Clothes and Accessories
Solar Plexus Chakra
Sanskrit Name: Manipura
3rd Chakra
Purpose/Meaning: Self-Esteem, Identity, Emotional & Physical Power, Confidence, Free-Will, Boundaries
Color: Yellow
Location: Above bellybutton
Element: Fire
Ways to Balance:
Eating Yellow Foods: Bananas, Squash, Corn, Oats, Pineapple, Yellow Peppers, Ginger, Cinnamon, Tumeric, Ginger, Cumin, Oats
Crystals: Citrine, Golden Tiger’s Eye, Moonstone, Pyrite, Topaz, Yellow Jasper
Affirmations: I CAN
I can achieve anything I put my mind to
Sound/Mantra: “Rang”
Mudra(hand pose): Hold both hands together and place them on the solar plexus (stomach) while pointing fingers outward
Yoga: Hot Yoga, Warrior 1 & 2, Boat Pose, Cat-Cow
Journal Prompt: When do I feel most confident? Why?
Sit in a Sauna or Steam Room
Spend Time Around Fire
Positive Self-Talk
Wear Yellow Clothes & Accessories
Heart Chakra
Sanskrit Name: Anahata
4th Chakra
Purpose/Meaning: Sense of Love, Inner Peace, Compassion, Open-hearted, Joy, Acceptance, Harmony, Balance
Color: Green
Location: Center of Sternum/Chest
Element: Air
Ways to Balance:
Eating Green Foods: Salads, Leafy Greens, Green Beans, Green Peppers, Sweet Peas, green tea, cilantro, basil
Crystals: Amazonite, Aventurine, Emerald, Green Agate, Jade, Peridot, Rhodonite, Rose Quartz
Affirmations: I LOVE
I love and accept myself unconditionally
Visualize: Warm green light surrounding you during meditation
Sound/Mantra: “Yang” or “Yam”
Mudra(hand pose): Your right index finger and thumb touch while at hearts center and left hand in the same position on your knee
Yoga: Bridge Pose, Camel Pose, Child’s Pose, Cobra Pose
Journal Prompt: What self-care practice can I do daily to show myself more unconditional love?
Spend Time in Fresh Air: Meditate outside, drive with the windows down, go for a hike
Spend Time with Loved Ones
Make a List of Things You Love About Yourself
Practice Gratitude or Kindness
Wear Green Clothes & Accessories
Throat Chakra
Sanskrit Name: Vishuddha
5th Chakra
Purpose/Meaning: Communication, Self-Expression, Speaking Your Truth, Trust
Color: Blue
Location: Throat
Element: Sound
Ways to Balance:
Eat Blue Foods: Blueberries, Blackberries, Blue Potatoes, Blue Corn Chips, Coconut Water, Herbal Tea, Watermelon, Smoothies
Crystals: Aquamarine, Blue Lace Agate, Kyanite, Sodalite, Turquoise
Affirmations: I TALK/I SPEAK
I speak my truth clearly and confidently
Sound/Mantra: “Hang” or “Ham”
Mudra(hand pose): Fingers interlaced with thumbs touching and hands near your stomach
Yoga: Camel Pose, Fish Pose, Shoulder Stand, Neck Stretches
Journal Prompt: Write about a time you spoke your truth and were listened to and heard. Explain how this felt.
Set Boundaries
Call a Friend to Talk & Listen
Listen to Music & Sing
Neck or Shoulder Massage
Wear Blue Clothes & Accessories
Third Eye Chakra
Sanskrit Name: Ajna
6th Chakra
Purpose/Meaning: Clear Intuition, Sense of Clarity, Energetic Connection, Thinking & Decision Making, Spiritual Connection
Color: Indigo
Location: Center of Forehead
Element: Light
Ways to Balance:
Eat Purple Foods: Blackberries, Blueberries, Eggplant, Grapes, Plums, Dark Chocolate
Crystals: Amethyst, Calcite, Celestite, Lapis Lazuli, Sapphire
Affirmations: I SEE
I see clearly and trust that my intuition will guide me
Sound/Mantra: “OM” or “AUM”
Mudra(hand pose): Hold your hands together at your chest with middle fingers touching and other fingers bent
Yoga: Corpse Pose, Downward Dog Pose, Lotus Pose, Mountain Pose
Journal Prompt: When has following my intuition in the past led to success? How can I trust my intuition more?
Keep a Dream Journal
Be in Nature and Connect with Yourself
Wear Indigo/Purple Clothes & Accessories
Crown Chakra
Sanskrit Name: Sahasrara
7th Chakra
Purpose/Meaning: Spiritual Connection, Consciousness, Higher Connection, Clarity, Wisdom
Color: Violet/White
Location: Top of Head
Element: Thought
Ways to Balance:
Eat Purple & White Foods: Bland foods, water, potatoes, onions, grapes, plums; also focuses on fasting & detoxing if safe
Crystals: Amethyst, Amethyst Quartz, Clear Quartz, Fluorite, Labradorite, Moonstone, Selenite
Affirmations: I KNOW/ I UNDERSTAND
I am attuned to the oneness of life
Sound/Mantra: “OM” or “AUM”
Mudra(hand pose): Hold hands at your stomach with fingers interlaced and pinky fingers facing upward
Yoga: Corpse Pose, Tree Pose, Headstand, Backbend
Journal Prompt: What does spirituality mean to me? What does it look like to be spiritually connected?
Meditation & Mindfulness
Wear Purple & White Clothes & Accessories
Social Media Detox
Balance with Crystals
One of the best ways to heal your chakras and get them open and balanced is crystal work. Healing crystals are an excellent way to get your chakras in working order. They allow you to raise your vibration and get the energy flowing again.
If you are interested in aligning your chakras for optimal energy, use some of the above techniques. Each chakra has its own set of unique activities for balance and is easy to start applying. You can even use the helpful graphic to determine which chakras may be unbalanced and which ones seem to be working well. It is important to remember that chakras are made of energy that is constantly ebbing and flowing. It’s important to note that to get an accurate reading of whether or not your chakras are open or blocked, you should track them over a period of time. Each chakra can close or open multiple times throughout the day due to many different situations. Getting an accurate description of how well your chakras are functioning is to get an average reading over weeks or months. Once you establish which chakras could use help to open and flow properly, you can utilize any techniques you would like.